Monday, May 26, 2014


A museum at the city hall in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada is running an exhibition paying tribute to Muslim murderers, and the municipality refuses to close it (Hat tip: The Jawa Report):
The City of Ottawa has no plans to remove an exhibit at City Hall that glorifies barbaric child-killing terrorists, despite the Israeli ambassador's protests, conveyed in a meeting with Mayor Jim Watson.

The deputy city manager said the city isn't embarrassed by the exhibit and has no plans to take it down, according to the Toronto Sun.

Toronto-based artist Rehab Nazzal created the exhibit, called "Invisible," which includes a piece called "Target," comprised of a series of projections against a white wall depicting what the artist calls "assassinated Palestinian figures." The exhibit booklet says the projections — which are flashed quickly on the wall making their written descriptions difficult to read — are of "lost artists, activists, writers and leaders."

Ambassador Rafael Barak said he isn't demanding the artwork be removed, but wants to let Canadians know that some of the alleged "artists and leaders" were also murderers. "I think the Canadian public should know that these people killed civilians," Barak said. "In a way, this exhibit is glorifying terrorism."
It does worse than that. It's devil worship. Seriously. And the city management is covering for this. This is just the kind of filth that can make some people lose trust in the great white north.

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