Friday, May 02, 2014


An Algerian recruting Muslims in France for jihad in Syria was thrown out:
France said it had deported on Thursday an Algerian national suspected of recruiting young French Muslims to join the Syrian civil war, the first such case since Paris unveiled a raft of policies to stop its citizens from becoming radicalized.

France, which has been a staunch opponent of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has made clamping down on violent cells and self-radicalized operators planning attacks in the country a priority since a Toulouse-based al Qaeda-inspired gunman shot dead seven people in March 2012.

But with the Syrian conflict entering its fourth year, the government has come under criticism for failing to stop its nationals - some as young as 15 - from heading to Syria.

Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said in a statement that a 37-year-old man who had been a resident in France since 1980 had been sent back to Algeria on Thursday morning.

The man had been close to radical Islamist groups implicated in the recruitment of individuals to join jihadist networks in Afghanistan and Syria, Cazeneuve said.

"This jihadist was arrested by Turkish authorities in a bus taking a group to Syria," he said. "Having been returned to French authorities by Turkey, he was ... immediately deported."

Cazeneuve unveiled some 20 measures in April that ranged from stripping people of French nationality along the lines of new British legislation introduced last year to prevent minors from leaving France without parental consent.
I'm glad they're taking up what Britain's thought of. Maybe they'll even improve upon it, because I'm honestly not sure how serious Britain is about following through. What if they succumb to legal challenges made by Muslim lawfarers in their courts?

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