Wednesday, May 07, 2014


The UK Guardian (via Breitbart London) says that female genital mutilation's been turned into partying by Muslims in Britain:
The cutting of girls at female genital mutilation "parties" is still going on in Britain and not just taking place abroad, healthcare experts have told MPs.

The Commons home affairs select committee has heard that "cutters" – often older women – are flown into Britain for the events, at which as many as a dozen girls may be operated on.

Janet Fyle, of the Royal College of Midwives, said that by the time the authorities could be alerted, the cutter would have left. "By the time the girls are cut, the woman 'cutter' is on her flight back to the country she came from. We can't go after the cutter. We don't know who she or he is. The parents have to be held responsible," she said.

Professor Janice Rymer, of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, shared Fyle's belief that FGM was happening in Britain. Asked about its scale, she said: "We have no idea. We have no data but I am sure it is happening in this country."

The MPs also heard evidence that 75 to 80 women were undergoing FGM reversal operations in Britain each year.
Filthy in the extreme. So now, in a way, this sadism's been turned into a form of celebration. It's definitely run like a cultish ritual. Yet the UK authorities operate weakly and it all manages to continue unabated.

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