Saturday, May 31, 2014


In Barry Soetoro's fantasyland, the VA scandal, the Benghazi scandal, the Fast and Furious scandal, the mayhem that his policies have unleashed in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and the Ukraine -- these are all minor distractions from the real threat:
“We don’t have to choose between the health of our economy and the health of our children,” he said in his weekly address, which was recorded yesterday at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington. “As president, and as a parent, I refuse to condemn our children to a planet that’s beyond fixing.”
He's too important to manage the Federal government; he's going to save the planet!
 President Obama warned Friday that storms like Hurricane Sandy will become more frequent as climate change intensifies.
Meanwhile, in the real world:
The U.S. has been extraordinarily fortunate lately: we have not been witness to the fury of a major hurricane (category 3 or higher) landfall since October 2005 when Wilma hit southwest Florida as a Category 3 storm. (Other countries have not had such good fortune these past few years. )
Since the hyper-active 2005 season, the U.S. has had just six Category 1 and 2 hurricane landfalls: Humberto (TX), Ike (TX), Gustav (LA), Dolly (TX), Irene (NC), and Isaac (LA).  Sandy was not technically a hurricane at its NJ landfall, and if it were, it would have been a Category 1 storm.the hyper-active 2005 season, the U.S. has had just six Category 1 and 2 hurricane landfalls: Humberto (TX), Ike (TX), Gustav (LA), Dolly (TX), Irene (NC), and Isaac (LA).  Sandy was not technically a hurricane at its NJ landfall, and if it were, it would have been a Category 1 storm.
As of the start of this hurricane season, the span will be 3,142 days since the last U.S. major hurricane landfall.  The previous longest span is about 2½ years shorter! 
 The Democrat Party regime seeks to whip up a frenzy of fear about fantasies of natural catastrophe in order to distract the attention of the public from the real catastrophes that the Democrat Party's policies are inflicting on the Nation, and the world.

Hat tip: Matt Drudge, for another brillian juxtaposition.

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