Sunday, May 11, 2014


The terror-directing imam whose hands got blown off told the US court where he's standing trial that his wife's responsible for his turn to jihadism:
Handless hate preacher Abu Hamza al-Masri was living “on the wrong side of morality” — working as a bouncer for a London strip club — until his first wife led him on a path to jihad.

Testifying at his terror trial in Manhattan federal court Wednesday, the one-eyed, Egyptian-born cleric said he married a non-Muslim Brit in the early ’80s who hated his “not very respectful lifestyle.” So she sought advice from his Islamic friends.

“They told her, ‘If you ask him to teach you Islam, he will spend more time with you,’” testified al-Masri, 56.

The extra time the couple spent studying Islam didn’t salvage the marriage — but did lead al-Masri on the path to become a well-known imam, he said.

The thrice-married al-Masri didn’t say why they divorced, but ex-wife Valerie Olga Macias has blamed their 1984 split on the cleric’s alleged affair with a hooker.
I'm not surprised he's trying to scapegoat his ex-wife for his abominations. Her quest for advice from other Muslims - according to his testimony - doesn't sound very plausible either.
Al-Masri, bereft of his hook-like prosthetic, raised his right stump to be sworn in before testifying.

Asked to define “jihad,” he said, “to struggle in the cause of God.”

Defense lawyer Joshua Dratel brought up previous comments al-Masri made about it being OK to lie to non-Muslims.

But al-Masri said he’s “no stranger to prison” and would rather stay incarcerated than lie “under oath.” “If my freedom comes at the expense of my dignity and beliefs, I don’t want it,” he said.
I think he's committing taqqiya just so he can be incarcerated.

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