Tuesday, April 22, 2014


The PLO autocrat's been threatening to dismantle the PLO if he doesn't get his way in pseudo-negotiations. But seriously, why would he do that? Naftali Bennett's been giving him a well-deserved mocking:
Bayit Yehudi leader and Economy Minister Naftali Bennett played down Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas's threats that he would dissolve the Palestinian Authority if peace talks with Israel broke down, saying Tuesday that this was the seventh time that the Palestinian leader had made these threats.

"We hear again and again the recycling of the same threat , that if we don't advance (with the peace process) and if we don't give him everything that he wants he will Ov vey for us! dissolve the PA," Bennett said at The Ramle Conference.

"I suggest to Abu Mazen: If you're going to shoot, then shoot, don't talk. The state of Israel is stronger than Abu Mazen's threats," Bennett said.

[...] On Sunday, Bennett made similar statements about Abbas's dissolution threats.

“If he wants to go, we won’t stop him,” the minister said. “The Jewish people do not negotiate with a gun held against their temple.”
Yet why would Abbas dismantle the PLO and shove off? It's nothing more than a meaningless, comedic threat coming from a jihadist who has no intention of ceasing his evil ways till the day he dies. Still, if he really wants to heave-ho, Abbas can do just that and we won't miss him one bit.

Update: Jonathan Tobin says Abbas's bluff shouldn't scare Israel.

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