Sunday, April 27, 2014


But the Miami Herald/McClatchy appears to be, though they do note that the prime minister's reminded everyone of the new pact Abbas made with Hamas:
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday issued a statement calling the Holocaust “the most heinous crime” against humanity in modern times and expressing sympathy with families of the victims.

The statement, on the eve of Israel’s observance of Holocaust Remembrance Day, was the first of its kind by a Palestinian leader, and appeared to be part of an effort to reach out to Israelis following a reconciliation deal reached last week between Abbas’s Fatah movement and the militant Islamist group Hamas that prompted Israel to suspend U.S.-brokered peace talks.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dismissed Abbas’ declarations, saying that they were meant to “placate international public opinion” after the Palestinian leader had made a pact with Hamas, a group that “denies the Holocaust while trying to create another Holocaust by destroying the state of Israel.”

[...] Hamas spokesmen have drawn a distinction between the positions of the group, which refuses to recognize Israel or renounce violence, and the negotiations with Israel, conducted by Abbas on behalf of the PLO.
If Hamas doesn't recognize Israel, then neither does the PLO, and their embrace is a recognition of what the Hamas stands for. So Abbas's condemnation of the Holocaust is nothing but taqqiya.

Update: Netanyahu also ideally compared Iran's nuclear menace to the nazi menace.

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