Wednesday, April 23, 2014


The Turkish dictator supposedly condemns the genocide committed by the Ottoman Muslims during WW1, but remains very unclear in a statement he released:
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan offered what the government said were unprecedented condolences on Wednesday to the grandchildren of Armenians killed in World War One by Ottoman soldiers.

In a statement issued on the eve of the 99th anniversary of the deeply contested deaths, Erdogan unexpectedly described the events of 1915 as "inhumane", using more conciliatory language than has often been the case for Turkish leaders.

A Turkish government official said it was the first time a Turkish prime minister had offered such explicit condolences, but it was not immediately clear if it would be enough to bring about a thaw in relations between Ankara and its neighbor.
The answer is no, it's not enough. Definitely not if he doesn't admit his religion was a driving force in the evil of the time. And judging from the following:
Although striking a conciliatory tone, Erdogan re-iterated a longheld Turkish position that the deaths of millions of people during the violence of the period should be remembered "without discriminating as to religion or ethnicity".

Turkey is a Muslim state, while Armenia is Christian.

"Using the events of 1915 as an excuse for hostility against Turkey and turning this issue into a matter of political conflict is inadmissible," he added.
I'd say Erdogan is falling back on the same old tactics. Who's using excuses here other than him? He's as filthy as he was before, and nobody should take his word at face value.

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