Monday, April 28, 2014


Catholic Online notes that as sharia becomes the dictation of Brunei, Christian practices will be forbidden:
Merely attempting to promote the faith could carry a punishment of five years in prison and a $20,000 fine. With so many Catholics in the country, including 30,000 Filipinos, someone will run afoul of the law.

Baptisms will also be banned.

Schools will only be allowed to teach Islam. No other religion will be discussed and exposing children to other religions can result in harsh penalties.

Sharia law also allows for stoning of those accused of adultery, as well as forced amputations for thieves and other offenders.

The law will be a challenge because the Sultan of Brunei as well as the royal family and others of the upper class, who have gained incredible wealth from oil deals with the West, enjoy lavish lifestyles that includes alcohol-fueled parties and gambling. These will have to be curtailed and kept well-behind closed doors.

Christians will likely be driven underground.
Interesting that the sultan and his family live that kind of luxury, which'll probably still be afforded them, even if in private. But the site's right, that it looks very dark for Christians, and Jews will surely be forbidden to practice their customs in the country too.

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