Sunday, April 06, 2014


From the incorporation of sharia into the UK legal system, we next discover they're preparing student loans along the same belief system:
A new system of “Sharia-compliant” student loans is to be launched to allow more Muslim students to go to university, it has been announced.

David Willetts, the Universities Minister, said an alternative financial model was being created to satisfy Islamic law that forbids Muslims taking out loans that make interest.

Under the system, students would apply for taxpayer-backed loans but repay them into a mutual-style fund that would be ring-fenced to provide future finance to other students with the same religious beliefs.

The move will raise concerns over a two-tier system in which Muslim students pay less than other undergraduates.

But the Government insisted it would be set up in a way that ensured repayments were made at the same rate as students who take out traditional student loans.
Oh no, I don't buy that. The advocates of sharia in Britain have long employed their own form of taqqiya, and now, they're furthering the encroachment of sharia into their university system too.

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