Friday, March 28, 2014


The modern Turkish dictator shut out use of Twitter and YouTube in the country to further his grip of Islamofascism upon it:
The Turkish government banned YouTube on Thursday, less than a week after Ankara made a similar blackout of the social networking site Twitter, which is estimated to have more than 10 million Turkish users.

Neither website can be reached on Turkish Internet networks.

The crackdown comes just days before Turks are expected to go to the polls in nationwide municipal elections.

The Turkish government said its YouTube block came as a response to the leak of a conversation between top government officials purportedly discussing the possibility of going to war with neighboring Syria.
I'm sure they'd like to do that, but no less disturbing are their intentions of moving Turkey back to the days of the Islamic Ottoman empire, when sharia really had a foothold.
Turkey's political elite has been battered by a campaign of wiretap leaks recorded by unknown operatives and distributed daily for more than a month on the Internet.
I'm not sure if this was a case of communist-style spying on citizens, but Erdogan's MO is offensive regardless. Unfortunately, if estimations are correct, Erdogan's already made sure to fix the election results like in other Islamist regimes, so I doubt the coming election will have a result for the better.

Here's more about the issue on the UK Independent.

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