Thursday, March 06, 2014


Hollywood Favors High Tax, 'Gender Pay Equity' -- Just Not in Hollywood
Forbes compared the money paid to 2013's top 10 highest-paid male actors versus the top 10 highest-paid female performers. Not even close. The top 10 actresses made a total of $181 million. Their top 10 male counterparts made $465 million, which means the ladies made 39 percent of what the men raked in. "The top-earning actress, Angelina Jolie," wrote the Washington Examiner, "earned $33 million, roughly the same amount as the two lowest-ranked men." 
Where are the pitchforks? Why aren't actresses filing a class action lawsuit? After all, Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which makes it easier for a plaintiff to claim wage discrimination. 
Where's the National Organization for Women? 
If 77 cents on the dollar compared to men is considered unfair, exploitative and unacceptable, 39 percent is practically involuntary servitude! But we see no Hollywood Boulevard street demonstration. We see "no display of unity" in front of Hollywood's famous Chinese Theatre, with hundreds of ticked-off actresses, linked arm-in-arm, led by Susan Sarandon, Meryl Streep and Whoopi Goldberg singing, "We shall overcome." Nothing. No picketing. Not even a flyer or two.
But the silence can be explained.

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