Friday, March 14, 2014


The Arab League's boycott of Israel, in place since 1948, also affects the House of Saud, who discovered Israeli fruit turned up at a local store and sent their Orwellian police to confiscate it:
Saudi authorities seized 140 kilos of persimmons from Israel at a local market near the border with Jordan, local media reported.

The fruit had Israeli stickers on it and was found in the city of Qurayyat, in northern Saudi Arabia.

The head of the municipality’s environmental health department, Abdulaziz al-Masaed, said that authorities acted on information that Israeli fruit was being sold in the market.

[...] Masaed said that the Commerce and Industry Ministry had been notified. He added that he did not know how the fruit could have entered the country, as its origin was marked.
Who cares? One silver lining here is the embarrassment it caused to those Islamobigots who deserved it. Yet it is a shame they're still carrying on their selfish little petty hostilities and not willing to give Israel's products a try, all because of their obsession with the Koran's beliefs.

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