Thursday, March 13, 2014


In an interview with CBC, Trinidad-Tobago's attorney-general clarifies an alarming detail shedding new light on the case of the Lev Tahor escapees from Canada who took 6 children with them illegally:
A group of Lev Tahor children travelling without their parents immediately raised red flags for immigration officials in Trinidad and Tobago, says the country's attorney general.

“The group ... aroused the suspicions of our immigration authorities when the young children in their care could not be accounted for properly, as they were not being accompanied by their parents or legal guardians,” Trinidad Attorney General Anand Ramlogan, told CBC News.

Some members of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect, originally from Quebec, fled Canada last week to head for Guatemala — but they were intercepted in transit in Trinidad.

Ramlogan said officials grew suspicious after asking the group more questions.

“The group was travelling to Guatemala, but did not speak Spanish and could not properly account for the reason and purpose for their visit to Guatemala, and far less, the duration of their stay.… In addition, they could not explain what was the purpose of their trip — either in transit to Trinidad or to Guatemala."

Ramlogan said this caused officials to think the children’s safety was at risk.

“These are matters — given the international concerns about child labour, child prostitution, the harvesting of organs from little children and, of course, human trafficking on the whole — that would be of obvious concern to any serious immigration and border protection agency,” Ramlogan said.

Border agents prevented the group from continuing their travel to Central America and contacted Canada’s Justice Ministry.
So the 3 adults accompanying the 6 children were not their parents! Now it's definitely a case of kidnapping, and they should face serious charges for their crime. Their lawyers in Canada should also face contempt charges for all problems they caused.
“I think this is a group that has attracted widespread controversy and attention, and their short stay with us in Trinidad and Tobago is one that has been very colourful,” Ramlogan said, adding that authorities in Trinidad acted appropriately.
He's right. Their abusive, oppressive behavior, particularly towards children, and hostile attitude towards Israel is exactly what's drawn attention, ditto their combination of elements from Islam. A recent sad related topic is that, after returning to Canada, 3 children went on hunger strikes, undoubtably via the cult's influence. This is just why they cannot continue relations with Lev Tahor, because it's clear they could influence them to perform even more terrible self-infliction.

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