Monday, March 10, 2014


Fox News reports about the weapons captured from the Iranian ship bound for Gaza:
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blasted the international community's "self-deception" regarding Iran as defense officials unveiled an arsenal of weapons the Islamic Republic is accused of trying to smuggle into Gaza.

Israeli Defense Forces unloaded the cargo of the Panamanian-flagged ship that its commandos boarded last week off the coast of Sudan, displaying 40 M-302 missiles with a range in excess of 100 miles, 181 mortar shells and 400,000 AK-47 bullets.

"The goal was to have rained down on the heads of Israel's citizens,"
Netanyahu thundered from the port of Eilat, where the Klos C was towed after being boarded in the Red Sea.

Netanyahu noted that the assorted rockets, mortars and other munitions could have reached Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and even Haifa. He accused the international community of ignoring Iranian support for militant groups and being deluded by Tehran's claims to be willing to tame its nuclear weapons program.

"Iran, a brutal regime, has not abandoned its deep involvement in terrorism, its systematic efforts to undermine peace and security throughout the Middle East and its ambition to destroy the state of Israel," Netanyahu said. "What is new is not Iran's deeds or its lies, but the desire of many in the international community to bury their heads in the sand.

"Just as Iran hid its deadly missiles in the belly of this ship, Iran is hiding its actions and its intentions in many of its key installations for developing nuclear weapons," he continued.
Those world governments who put their heads in the sand about Iran's terrorist provisions are a disgrace and unsuited for their jobs.

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