Wednesday, March 05, 2014


Some more good turnings in Egypt so far: a court has imposed a ban on Hamas operating there:
A Cairo court banned Tuesday the Palestinian Hamas movement from operating in Egypt, tightening the noose around the militant rulers of the blockaded Gaza Strip amid a crackdown on Islamists.

The emergency court's decision to also seize Hamas's assets, ahead of a final ruling, was in response to a private citizen's petition to designate it as a terrorist group.

Egypt has accused Hamas of colluding in attacks on its territory in the past few years, and aiding the Muslim Brotherhood movement of deposed Islamist president Mohamed Morsi.

Egypt never recognised Hamas's rule in Gaza after it forcibly ousted the more moderate Fatah party of Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas from Gaza in 2007.

But it hosted Hamas's deputy leader Mussa Abu Marzuk following Mubarak's overthrow in February 2011, and eased passage through its Rafah border crossing with Gaza.
I highly disagree with their terming Fatah more "moderate". They are anything but that.

In similar news, a Code Pink activist was deported from the Egyptian airport, but here, there appears to be a sad part:
The co-founder of U.S.-based anti-war group CodePink said Tuesday that Egyptian police detained her at Cairo's international airport when she tried to enter the country on route to the Gaza Strip and treated her roughly, fracturing her shoulder as they handcuffed her before deporting her.

Egyptian officials denied Medea Benjamin was assaulted, saying she had refused to leave despite being told that the border to Gaza is closed because of military operations in the area. However, other members of the same delegation of women activists heading to Gaza were allowed into Egypt, and it was not clear why Benjamin was singled out for deportation.
I don't know why she was blocked while others were allowed in, but this is worrisome. They can be as dangerous as their male couterparts in similar anti-war movements, and the Islamofascists can be dangerous to them at the time. Why'd they allow the rest into Egypt?

Reliapundit adds:

  • Putin has endorsed al Sisi.
  • Obama is silent - and.... pushing Egypt into the Russian sphere.
  • It matters not if this is because of liberal ineptness or by treacherous design.
  • The result is bad for the USA and Israel and the free world.

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