Monday, February 17, 2014


A very grave case of a leftist arranging for students to meet a monster:
Speaking to an audience of some 300 Israeli students on Sunday in Ramallah, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas denied allegations that he is a Holocaust denier, saying that he is aware of the tragedy that befell the Jewish people.

The event, which took place at the Muqataa -- the Palestinian Authority government compound in Ramallah -- was organized by Labor MK Hilik Bar and the OneVoice organization.

Abbas' rhetoric on Sunday was tamer than it was during a recent speech he made to the Palestine Liberation Organization Executive Committee. Speaking to the group of Israeli students on Sunday, Abbas said the Palestinians are not interested in seeing a massive return of refugees to Israel.
Truly lethargic, but unsurprising that somebody of his Islamic background would resort to that kind of taqqiya. The Labor party member and group who organized this - exploiting students in the process - should be ashamed of themselves.

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