Thursday, February 06, 2014


John Kerry's outraged the families of Israeli terror victims (via Fox News):
Israeli victims of terrorism lashed out at Secretary of State John Kerry for his “insensitivity” after he inaccurately claimed “not one Israeli was killed by a Palestinian from the West Bank” in a recent speech.

During a controversial speech over the weekend in Germany, Kerry threatened Israel with economic boycotts and claimed that the Jewish state is enjoying a respite from Palestinian terrorism.

“There’s a momentary prosperity, there’s a momentary peace,” Kerry said. “Last year, not one Israeli was killed by a Palestinian from the West Bank.”

However, this is untrue. At least five Israelis were murdered by West Bank Palestinians in 2013.

Evyatar Borovsky is one of those victims. He was stabbed to death 10 months ago while hitchhiking in the West Bank
. He left behind his wife, Tsofia, and five children.

“It’s a feeling of carelessness and neglecting actual Israeli needs,” Tsofia Borovsky told the Free Beacon on Tuesday when asked about Kerry’s remarks.

Borovsky said that Kerry’s comments reveal an inherent insensitivity and apathy to Israel’s security needs, particularly since the murders of Evyatar and others were so greatly publicized.
Sickening. Kerry really is one of the worst politicians of his kind to sully the State Dept. in this century.

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