Saturday, February 22, 2014


The UK Mail spoke about Muslim brides going from Britain to Syria to marry jihadists:
An increasing number of British women are travelling to war-torn Syria to marry jihadists from the UK, with some seeing them as leading a ‘perfect life’.

Many are thought to be marrying jihadists on the internet, as strict Islamic code forbids unmarried women to travel alone, according to researchers at the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation at King’s College, London.

Exact numbers are difficult to pinpoint, but the research centre believes that dozens of British women have married English-speaking jihadists – or are trying to - according to chatter that it monitors on forums.

It knows of two women from Portsmouth, one from London and one from Surrey who definitely have married English-speaking men fighting for opposition forces.
Some of these jihad brides could be converts, and have thrown away their lives in turn for the sake of monsters who don't deserve their attention. And because the authorities make no attempt to establish campaigns to counter Islamic propaganda, more women will trash their lives for the sake of these fiends.

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