Saturday, February 08, 2014


Here's some important, COOL news: there is no man-made climate change!

Why is this important? Simple:

The anthropogenic "climate change" hoax has (1) driven up the price of energy - (and every product that uses energy; hence it has raised the price of EVERYTHING! Gasoline is over $3; it might be $1.50 without the hoax - a savings that would help working-class people the most), and it has (2) retarded global economic growth in the developed world; it has (3) especially retarded industrial development of the Third World where most of the impoverished, malnourished people live - people whose lifespans could be extended and living standards raised if they had more industrial economic development.

This is why debating man-made climate change is important; it effects your life, my life, and the lives of every American - every North American and every South American, every European, every Asian and every African.

This Winter there is more proof than ever that man-made climate change is indeed a hoax. 

Just a few years ago Al Gore and others were telling us that the Arctic ice cap would be ice free in summer; that the Antarctic was also melting and that snow in the northern hemisphere would be rare in winter: "Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013' - By Jonathan Amos - Science reporter, BBC News, San Francisco:

On September 13, Arctic sea ice reached its likely minimum extent for 2013. The minimum ice extent was the sixth lowest* in the satellite record, and reinforces the long-term downward trend in Arctic ice extent. Sea ice extent will now begin its seasonal increase through autumn and winter. 

Meanwhile, in the Antarctic, sea ice extent reached a record high on September 18, tied with last year’s maximum.

[The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) supports research into our world's frozen realms: the snow, ice, glaciers, frozen ground, and climate interactions that make up Earth's cryosphere.]

The Arctic ice did NOT disappear last Summer as the alarmists predicted, and Antarctic ice is near an all-time record; in fact - despite the fact that global atmospheric man-made C02 has doubled, this winter is one of the coldest, snowiest, and iciest in decades. 

Use these links to read articles (with links) which prove that this winter has defied the predictions of all the alarmists.

As a humanist who desires the lives of people EVERYWHERE be as good as they can make them, I think these facts are critically important. 

Without the burden of the climate change hoax, energy would be much less expensive and economic growth might be at least 2% higher in the USA and globally - that's enough additional growth to bring our economy and the global economy out of the stagnant doldrums we've been stuck in since c.2008 - and to bring the third World out of poverty - and end global poverty - in 2 decades. A worthy goal. 

Climate change alarmism is the single biggest impediment. 

The alarmists thought they were inventing a new economy -  "the green economy", but instead they have hurt the real global economy. 

It's time we ended the hoax and stopped wasting resources and time.


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