Monday, February 03, 2014


The Boston Globe, that most ultra-leftist paper in New England, ran some propaganda by an Indonesian writer about the Muslim Ms. Marvel, and the taqqiya includes:
The new Ms. Marvel tackles both stereotypes of both oppressed Muslim women and terrorists. Many Muslim women chose not to wear a hijab, and Kamala’s character is one of them. She carries her US history book side by side with a book on prophet Mohammed’s sayings and another book on illustration and design. Her creators claim she was born “out of a desire to explore the Muslim-American diaspora from an authentic perspective.” They would know because they, too, have had to navigate their way of being Muslim and American.
Tsk tsk tsk. Pretty much what one could expect from somebody who hails from an island country with a large Muslim population. Whether or not they want to is not the query. It's whether they have the right to refuse that is. And that definitely was not the case with Aqsa Parvez, for example. There's also an imam in Denmark named Shahid Mehdi who spouted repulsive beliefs about what he thinks should be done to women who don't wear hijabs.

Naturally, we can't expect any of the Koran/Hadith's verses to be mentioned in the story being published either, not even what they say about sexual assault and honor murders. In that case, I'm not sure why Wilson's depicting the character carrying a copy.

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