Thursday, February 13, 2014


Pay no attention to the weather outside your window! Just listen to your Mayor!
At a news conference late Thursday morning, Mr. de Blasio defended the decision, noting that since 1978, New York closed schools only 11 times because of snow. Asked why it made sense to keep schools open after city and state officials urged people to stay off the roads, Mr. de Blasio said that it was not an easy decision, but that they made a decision based on the best available information. “We were convinced that kids could get to schools this morning,” he told reporters. Both the mayor and the schools chancellor, Carmen Fariña, said that the forecasts they had been given by the National Weather Service led them to believe the snowfall would be less intense. Their comments came under fire almost immediately from meteorologists, most notably NBC’s weatherman Al Roker, who said that the forecasts had been accurate. He took to Twitter even as the mayor spoke, saying the National Weather Service had forecast the storm just as it was playing out. Mr. de Blasio was dismissive of the criticism. “It is a different thing to run a city than to give the weather on TV,” he said. Ms. Fariña seemed to have a different view of the weather than many New Yorkers, even as snow, sleet and rain continued to fall in many parts of the city. “It is an absolutely beautiful day out there right now,” she said.
That's the left's usual way of handling reality: LIES. The more blatant, the better.

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