Monday, January 13, 2014


The Bar-Ilan University professor Mordechai Kedar went to Scranton to give a lecture about Islam vs. the West, but the following doesn't sound too encouraging:
In the audience was attorney Joseph C. Peters, a former counterterrorism employee for the White House. He said the insight Dr. Kedar offered can help achieve peace between Islamic and Western cultures.

"It will never be achieved by military might," Mr. Peters said. "It can only be achieved if the impediments culturally are understood and used peacefully."

Another audience member, Etka Deutsch, 23, of Scranton, agreed with Mr. Peters.

"It's very important to understand the culture and values so that we can live together," Ms. Deutsch said.
Here we go again with another naive perception. It appears somebody at the campus didn't or wouldn't comprehend that a belief system built on such vile filth cannot be co-existed with. And maybe Kedar didn't do much better as a lecturer either.

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