Saturday, January 11, 2014


More people are joining Judaism from outside:
The Religious Services Ministry reported a rise of 33 percent in the number of conversions to Judaism by non-Jews descended from Jews. This population includes both immigrants and native-born Israelis, and some 80,000 children and youths who are enrolled in the school system and serve in the Israel Defense Forces.

According the ministry report, 2013 saw a 25% rise in the number of conversations by immigrants from Ethiopia, which could be attributed to the recent aliyah in 2012 after the Gondar camp was closed in Ethiopia. The report cites a 48% rise in the number of conversions in immigrants from other countries, half of which -- around 300 -- are immigrants from India who arrived in 2013, and the rest are largely from former Soviet bloc countries. The report also documents a 21% rise in the number army court documents issued certifying conversions.
This flattering news made me think of something: maybe it would do for Jewish missionaries to consider prosyltizing to non-Jews more seriously? Maybe Europe could use a little bit of it too? For many years, missionaries have usually refrained from trying to talk non-Jews into trying the religion. But there might be something to changing the approach now, and I do believe it could help if Jewish missionaries would work on it for a change.

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