Monday, December 02, 2013


Michael Curtis at The Commentator writes about how honor murders still reign supreme under Islam, with little or no consequence:
Law in the patriarchal Arab countries, as in the Ottoman Empire, has sustained the cultural tradition that women have an inferior status. Men are only mildly punished or not punished at all for murdering a female relative whose behavior is judged as bringing dishonor to the family.

The leniency toward honor-killings is enshrined in legal practice in Arab countries. In the territories ruled by Palestinians, it is based on a clause in the 1960 Jordanian penal code that is still used. In one section of the clause, Article 340, men are completely exempt from liability for honor-killing; in another section, a "lesser penalty" is imposed.

In Jordan and Iraq, the penalty for honor-killings is much lighter than for other crimes. Even more, according to the Iran Penal Code, Article 630, a husband is allowed to murder his wife without penalty if he suspects her of adultery.
Give him points for reminding why the "peace treaty" with Jordan was an utter embarrassment. Especially if the Israeli government does nothing to condemn any failure of their justice system to defend women targeted by Islamofascism. Yes, seriously.

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