Monday, December 16, 2013


Finally, some justice is being done by removing at least 2 of the children from the Islam-influenced cult:
Local authorities have removed two toddlers from the controversial ultra-Orthodox Jewish community Lev Tahor which recently relocated from Quebec to the Chatham-Kent area, ahead of a bid by Quebec officials to place 14 other children into foster care.

The two youngsters who were taken by Chatham-Kent Children’s Services are a brother and sister, and were removed last Thursday, community member Uriel Goldman said in an interview. [...]

It is unclear who is caring for the two siblings. Mr. Knowles said it is unlikely there are Hassidic families in the Chatham area that could provide a Jewish orthodox foster environment for the toddlers, a brother and sister.
That's always their defense, that youngsters from purportedly Haredi families must be put in the custody of the same. No, I think being in non-Haredi custody is just as good - even better - than being in the clutches of such an awful cult.

This is a good step taken, but the other 14 children still need to be removed from that awful cult as well.

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