Friday, December 06, 2013


They might also be saying "fair game". News from the trial of the two jihadists who murdered Drummer Lee Rigby in London:
The alleged murderers of Lee Rigby lay in wait for a serviceman to kill and chose the Fusilier just because he was "the soldier that was spotted first", a jury has heard.

Michael Adebolajo, 28, told detectives in interview that he and his accomplice Michael Adebowale, 22, decided that a soldier "was the most fair target" as they had joined the army understanding that their life would be at risk, the Old Bailey heard.

The men are accused of mowing Fusilier Rigby down in a car before hacking him to death with a meat cleaver and knives near Woolwich Barracks in south east London on May 22.

During a police interview from June 1 played to the court, Adebolajo, covered by a blue blanket with a copy of the Koran in front of him, said he had "set out determined that this way we will obey the command of Allah".

The court heard Adebolajo, who referred to Adebowale as Ismail, claim that the alleged murder was not "a personal vendetta".

He said: "I have never met the family of Lee Rigby. Quite possibly I may have walked past one of them in the street. I do not hate them. I do not hate them, nor does my brother Ismail, he does not. This is not a personal vendetta."
His claim he doesn't hate them is nothing more than pure taqqiya, and army personnel are no more legitimate targets than civilians. In fact, for all we know, they could very easily have gone on a rampage with their car in the neighborhood running down other passers-by, and even attacked them with a machete.

Furthermore, the murderer confirmed he set out to commit the violent crime at the Koran's bidding, and that should be enough to set off alarm bells with any realist.

More jihadist material was found at the houses of the monsters:
At the home of Adebolajo's father, police retrieved books and two laptops belonging to the suspect containing articles and lectures with titles including "Extreme Islam", "The book of Jihad" and a magazine published by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula entitled "Inspire," prosecutor Oliver Glasgow told the court.

One passage from Extreme Islam, that had been highlighted, read: "Islam is always in need of martyrs. The revival of courage and zeal is essential for the revival of a nation."

The court also heard that Adebolajo told police that Britain's MI5 security service had visited him earlier in 2013 and knew where he lived.

At the home of co-accused Adebowale, police also found a computer and USB containing documents and lectures covering topics such as jihad and martyrdom.
And they wonder how these abominations end up becoming such repulsive monsters.

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