Thursday, December 05, 2013


Obama lies about his own biography have gotten so weird even Roger Simon is beginning to wonder if the wildest claims about Obama's background are true.

Some see this as a turning point - (read the great JE DYER essay).

BOTTOM-LINE: It matters not who Obama really is.

I personally feel he is the son of Frank Marshall Davis because it simply explains EVERYTHING in Obama's amazing and strange bio, but it doesn't matter.

The policies Obama advocates are evil and lead inevitably to serfdom whether enacted by a deceitful crypto-muslim/crypto-marxist or by a garden variety, homegrown, red diaper baby/postmodern leftist.

But these policies would never have been accepted by the American people if they had been presented truthfully, honestly.

And deceitfulness of the magnitude perpetrated by Obama could never have been perpetrated by someone who was a garden variety liberal and certainly not by a moderate.

History reveals that only utopianistic extremists have been willing to tell lies of this magnitude - and cheat and bribe, (and even ultimately kill) - because if you believe you can achieve what you believe will be utopia it's worth it. "You have to break eggs to make an omelet."

This is true of islamist utopianists and collectivist utopianists.

The politicians down the line from Obama  - (like Reid and Pelosi and so on...) - are the usual mix of dupes and thieves - most are in it for themselves or for the machine that serves to perpetuate their political careers and their hold on power. Hence all the corrupt deals like CGI and Solyndra and the corrupting of our federal bureaucracy as in the IRS and EPA and BATF - each involved in promulgating and enforcing policies which aided Obama's political allies and cronies and attacked his political foes.

Those of us who saw through the phony biography of Obama and accepted the meaning of his indisputable lifelong associations - (associations which were absolutely central to his meteoric rise) - realized we were dealing with an extremely radical leftist and - because he lied about all these relationships - an enormous liar.

The past five years have proven this to be the case.

Frank Marshall Davis + Tom and Bill Ayers + Vernon Jarrett and Veronica Jarrett + father Pfleger + Jeremiah Wright + Farrakhan + Kellman (Alisnky) + The New Party + the SEIU + ACORN + Edward Said and Rashid Khalidi + the Daley's + Blago' + Rezko + how poorly he treated Jane Dystel (his first literary agent) + how he got Jack Ryan, his main foe, out of the US Senate race so he could face Keyes - and "IF YOU LIKE YOUR PLAN YOU CAN KEEP YOUR PLAN, PERIOD!"  - well, these add up.

There is nothing that subtracts from this sum, or from the obvious conclusion.

Obama is a mendacious, deceitful corrupt collectivist willing to do anything to gain power and use it to transform America from the lone hyperpower and defender of individual liberty into a mediocre socialist state dependent on consensus of transnational entities (themselves controlled by Russia and China and the Third World) for security. In other words: a postmodern dream.

And our economy, our standing in the world an the security of our allies and of our values in the world have all suffered as a result of Obama's efforts at transformation.

Unfortunately for us, Obama and his postmodern leftist comrades win no matter what:

  • If their policies succeed in transforming us in just another weak socialist nation, then they win.
  • If their policies fail but nevertheless weaken us to the degree that we can no longer defend the free world, then they also win.

And it's happening fast.

In other words: it's 2014 or never.



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