Monday, December 23, 2013


Here's one thing the UK is doing right, by taking away the citizenship of Muslims who engage in jihad abroad:
Home Secretary Theresa May has stepped up the use of powers to strip British jihadists fighting in Syria of their nationality to prevent their return to the UK.

Mrs May has targeted 20 dual-nationals this year using "deprivation of citizenship orders", records uncovered by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism show.

It marks a rapid increase in the use of the powers, which had only previously been deployed 17 times in two-and-a-half years.

Almost all of the orders made this year, which do not need judicial approval, were issued while the jihadists were overseas.

The Home Office said: "The government will take all necessary steps to protect the public.

"Citizenship is a privilege, not a right, and the Home Secretary will remove British citizenship from individuals where she feels it is conducive to the public good to do so."
That's spot on. This is something many other European countries should do to rid themselves of worthless jihadists. Then, let the jihadists rot in the hellholes they wanted to go mess around in, for all we care.

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