Monday, December 09, 2013


The Australian authorities have an interesting idea for how to curb terrorists from operating:
Australia's spy agency has defended cancelling the passports of 20 Sydney men, saying such actions aid national security by preventing people taking part in terrorism acts and training.

The western Sydney men had their passports cancelled after the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) accused them of preparing to engage in politically motivated violence if they travelled overseas.

The Muslim men were also said to be a threat to national security because they had a "jihadi mentality", Fairfax Media reported on Sunday.

ASIO's move comes after Australian Federal Police (AFP) and NSW Police last week charged two men for allegedly supporting Australians fighting in Syria's civil war.

The AFP said it believed about 100 Australians were suspected of being involved in the Syrian conflict.

ASIO says the agency can request passport cancellations on security grounds.

"Withholding passports is an important means of preventing Australians from travelling overseas to engage in activities prejudicial to national security - for example, to train, support or participate in terrorism," the spokesperson said in a statement.
An excellent idea, but they also have to jail the criminals since they could be dangerous even on Australian turf.

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