Friday, December 13, 2013


Israel Today found a Muslim willing to admit the followers of his religion are responsible for ruining the Temple Mount:
[Mudar] Zahran, who recently visited the Temple Mount, found evidence that it is not Israel harming the holy site, and that some Muslim staff even wonder how much better the situation could be if the Jews were actually running the show.

"Upon entering the silver-domed mosque, one can quickly notice how neglected [it] is, and badly in need of maintenance," wrote Zahran.

He decided to find out why, and spoke to Muslim grounds keepers, who, naturally, insisted on speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution.

"This chaos and indifference rolls down from the senior officials here who enjoy huge salaries compared to the average staff member," a Muslim security guard told Zahran. "You see these scaffoldings? They [the officials] put them up to claim maintenance work is being done in order to beg donors for money. These scaffoldings have been there for years with nothing done... The sheikh here just takes photos of them to show to donors."

Indeed, the writer learned that the Islamic Waqf that oversees the Temple Mount collects donations in the neighborhood of $285,000 each month, but that not a penny is spent on renovations, maintenance or caring for the poor and needy.
What if it's really being spent on terrorism? I think it's pretty easy to guess where the money could really be going to.

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