Thursday, November 21, 2013


Some of you know about the cases of Natasha Kampusch and Elizabeth Fritzl, rape victims imprisoned in Austria. Similarly, you know about Phillip Garrido, who kidnapped Jaycee Dugard and held her as a sex slave for 18 years, and Ariel Castro, who'd imprisoned and raped a couple women in Ohio, and went to face the highest court after his conviction.

Now, here's the revelation of 3 women in the UK who were held prisoner for 3 decades in a London house, but who were their enslavers? Two clues come up:
Mystery surrounds much of the story so far. However, one woman is a Malaysian, aged 69; the Irish woman is said to be 57, along with a 30 year old British woman “who has never known freedom”, the Metropolitan Police said today,.
Does Malaysia suggest something? It is a largely Muslim-dominated country, after all, and many Muslim countries have had residents who went to work as slaves abroad for Muslim masters. Speaking of which:
The arrested couple are not British nationals, though no more information is yet on offer. They were considered as “the heads of the family” and the women were “absolutely terrified” of them.

She added: “They felt they were in massive danger.
Facinating...and disturbing. And the authorities so far are keeping this hidden from view? Where could the couple they speak of come from?

We may get confirmation soon, but for now, it's as galling as can be that they haven't let us know said enslaving couple's nationality or religion. I hope the victims are okay, and will be able to recover from the terrible ordeal they went through all these years.

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