Tuesday, November 05, 2013


A protest is planned against the foisting of a pro-Islamic textbook:
On Florida’s Atlantic Coast, some 200 or more local parents and activists have announced plans to show up at Tuesday’s Volusia County school board meeting to protest the public school use of a world history textbook that devotes a whole chapter to Islam but exactly zero chapters to any other religions.

The textbook, called simply “World History,” contains a 32-page chapter fondly devoted to “Muslim Civilizations.” Sections include descriptions of the Koran, the growth of the Muslim empire and the Five Pillars of Islam.

The planned protest will include a demand that students rip out the 32 pages of the Islam chapter unless the school district agrees to provide students with a similar amount of officially-sanctioned material concerning other religions, reports local ABC affiliate WFTV.
Now there's an idea. At the least, it sure works better than burning. Parents enrolling their children at a school should ask what's taught there and quiz the staff on whether they believe in propagandizing in favor of bad religions. And the school would do well to listen to what the parents want, because in the long term, it won't help them a bit.

1 comment:

  1. World History textbooks throughout the United States -- including the Advanced Placement textbooks -- actively whitewash Islam. Few parents even take notice. **sigh**
