Monday, October 28, 2013


The city's partisan's are about to elect a hardcore leftist, antisemite, pro-islamist, anti-COP anti-Law&Order hack who will do whatever the big government workers' unions - the TWU, the SEIU and 1099 - whatever they want.

Crime will soar. As will the underclass and the underclass's sense of entitlement.

He will end surveillance of radical mosques. He will end Stop&Frisk.

He will raise taxes on the rich - as if the city's problems were that our richest are under-taxed and the city government just doesn't get enough money.

THE CITY'S BUDGET IS $70BILLION for crying out loud!!!!

The city has been coasting downhill for at last 8 years. Rudy saved the city and did all the heavy lifting - lifting that alienated a lot of people, but that saved the city. Bloomberg has been coasting; the biggest effort he put out was for the Olympics and a Manhattan football stadium - and both failed.

Crime is on its way up.

And there are now more vagrants and bag-people and beggars than at any time since Rudy left office.


I voted for Dinkins the first time - being a loyal partisan voter.

But I voted for Rudy the second time, (a rematch with Dinkins) - and again when Rudy ran for reelection against another left-wing hack, Ruth Messinger.

De Blasio is to the left of Messinger, yet De Blasio is WAY WAY WAY up in the polls.

It's sad.

De Blasio, and the unions he works for - will destroy the city.

De Blasio is also a corrupt piece of shit: he got his wife a job at a Brooklyn hospital after getting the hospital a shitload of city money. And the job was CREATED for her. At least according to the NYTIMES!


The city won't survive 4 years of De Blasio. NYC will become as bad as Chicago and Detroit.


The man De Blasio is running against may be the MOST qualified person EVER to run for the mayor's office.

A great and good and smart and EXPERIENCED NY'er.

JOE LHOTA. Deputy Mayor under Rudy. His Budget Director. Was Rudy's right-hand man after 9/11. Ran the MTA during/after Superstorm Sandy - and did so BRILLIANTLY. Harvard educated. Here's the ull bio:

Joe was born and raised in the Bronx in a home in which both parents worked. His mother worked two jobs to help support the family, his father was an employee of the police department of New York (NYPD for its acronym in English.) One of his grandfathers was Firefighter (FDNY) and the other driver in the city of New York. 
Being the first in his family to go to college, Joe graduated with honors from Georgetown University and went on to receive a Masters in Business (MBA) from Harvard Business School. 
After graduation, Joe went back to New York City where he began a 14 year career as a banker and investor in PaineWebber and First Boston. Later he specialized in public finance and applied knowledge and accurate decisions to municipal governments across the country. Joe is recognized as an expert in financial infrastructure, particularly in areas of original financial plans, debt restructurings and complex strategies to improve credit rating agencies risk.In 1994, Joe contributed his financial expertise to the public sector, joining the Giuliani administration as Commissioner of Finance, Director of the Office of Management and Budget and the Mayor for Operations Officer. Joe quickly gained a reputation as problem solver. 
The New York Times wrote: "He had an unparalleled knowledge of how to run a city." Joe helped the city to achieve a remarkable transformation that still has a remarkable impact worldwide. Mayor Giuliani has credited Joe as one of the most effective leaders of his administration, who helped restore the functioning of the municipal government after the devastating attacks of September 11. 
Joe returned to the private sector in 2002 as executive vice president and president of Cablevision Lightpath. Joe then worked at Madison Square Garden in 2010 as principal chief of management and the board as part of senior management. 
In 2011, Governor Andrew Cuomo appointed Joe as a manager and member of the board of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), which manages the largest mass transportation management organization in the United States, with 8.5 million daily users. During his short participation in this organization, oversee the implementation of the highly anticipated FASTRACK program, $ 30 million in improvements and restoration services, and sustained effort on the efficiency of the organization, which resulted in $ 100 million in savings to the budget. Joe achieving notoriety for being the head of the MTA after the storm Sandy, when the transit system was quickly restored Joe achievement attributed to the efforts of MTA workers. 
Joe take his deep knowledge, wide experience in management and vision for mayor. His leadership has helped New Yorkers through evolutionary times and momentous challenges. Even so, Joe believes that the best days of the city are yet to come. To achieve this task, Joe main priorities are to create a vibrant environment for generating employment and a diversified economy with better opportunities. Joe will focus on improving the quality of life of New Yorkers in all five boroughs, and ensure that all neighborhoods are free from crime. 
For Joe is a top priority the education of our children, he will continue to reform the education system so that students are well prepared for the challenges of the 21st century labor. 
In summary, the most important thing is that Joe is a leader with experience and achievements that will keep the city moving towards a better future and abundant prosperity. 
Joe lives in Brooklyn Heights with his wife Tamra, his daughter Kathryn and her pet, a beautiful Labrador named Lindy.

The choice couldn't be more stark.

Yet the Democrat Machine and the partisan idiots who vote for it are gonna waltz away with the city's government.

And make The People's Republic of Berkeley seem positively like Dallas, Texas.


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