Monday, October 07, 2013


The Algemeiner reports that besides terrorist attacks, there's also been a rise in Muslim honor murders this year:
According to the Palestinian NGO Women’s Center for Legal Aid Counseling, a total of 25 Palestinian women have been murdered this year in honor crimes, compared to 13 women killed in 2012.

The latest honor killings took place in September, leaving two Palestinian women dead. A 33-year-old mother from Deir al-Ghusun village in the Tulkarem district was found strangled on September 21, according to a report by Maan News Agency. Her father allegedly admitted to killing his daughter, Thamar Zeidan.

Zeidan had been married before she turned 15, and had gotten divorced four years ago. She had two children, according to Palestinian media reports. Prior to her murder, extended family members signed a public statement hung on the door of the local mosque and on village homes condemning Thamar for “disgraceful and outrageous acts.” According to the Middle East news source Al-Monitor, the statement also accused her father of failing to uphold family honor, stating that the Zeiden family had disowned him, “absolving itself of any tribal or legal obligations regarding him.”

Abdel Rahman Zeidan, a Hamas deputy in the Legislative Council, also signed the public condemnation.

Despite general statements condemning honor killings, Hamas has been accused of incitement in Palestinian media reports.
They are as guilty as sin of encouraging this kind of sadism. And so long as they're allowed to govern Gaza, it'll continue.

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