Thursday, October 31, 2013


A few weeks ago, Prager had a rebuttal to make against Richard Dawkins, the atheist who thinks all religion is bad (with the potential exception of Islam?):
To put this as clearly as possible: If there is no God who says, "Do not murder," murder is not wrong. Many people or societies may agree that it is wrong. But so what? Morality does not derive from the opinion of the masses. If it did, then apartheid was right; murdering Jews in Nazi Germany was right; the history of slavery throughout the world was right; and clitoridectomies and honor killings are right in various Muslims societies.
That's an interesting point. Whether or not evil beliefs of Muslim societies and communities are the result of indoctrination, what remains clear is that, if their belief system - religious or otherwise - advocates repulsive ideas like murder and violence, then "opinions of the masses" does not bear validity, because murder, quite simply, is wrong.

Prager may not be without faults, but he certainly can offer some good views when given the chance.


  1. The very idea that we get a moral compass from religion is horrible. Not only should we not get our moral compass from religion, as a matter of fact we don’t. We shouldn’t, because if you actually look at the bible or the Koran, and get your moral compass from there, it’s horrible – stoning people to death, stoning people for breaking the Sabbath.

  2. ojc: u r a dupe or a moron.

    atheists killed more people in the 20th century than jews of christians did in the previous 20m centuries combined.

    equating the Bible with the koran is bullshit, too.

    the violence in the Bible is descriptive and not prescriptive.

    and we don't stone people; it hasn't happened in more than a thousand years in the Judeo-Christian world. But muslims do it regularly to this day - and worse.

    without the Judeo-Christian ethos there's be no michelangelo, bach, beethoven, no Gospel music, no democracy.

    i suggest you take your smug moronic head out of your leftist ass and learn some facts.

    start with these posts:
