Friday, October 18, 2013


And the worst part is, this Democratic candidate for mayor really could end up being elected:
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Democratic mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio told a group of Muslim supporters Wednesday that they won’t have to live in fear of being under constant surveillance if he’s elected mayor.

As WCBS 880′s Jim Smith reported, de Blasio, the front-runner in the Nov. 5 general election, said that, on his watch, NYPD surveillance tactics would only be authorized to follow up on specific leads and that the police force would be under the supervision of a new inspector general.
One who doesn't value safety very highly, you can be sure. As Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller note (via Front Page Magazine), de Blasio's met with horrific figures like Linda Sarsour, who's used the same "Zionism is racism" tactic used by the UN decades ago. A man like him would be awful for NYC, and tragically, he's bound to continue some of the worst things about the Bloomberg tenure.

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