Monday, October 21, 2013


The ADL published a list of the 10 worst anti-Israel gangs on the globe:
The ADL listed ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism), American Muslims for Palestine, CODEPINK, Friends of Sabeel-North America, If Americans Knew/Council for the National Interest, Jewish Voice for Peace, Muslim Public Affairs Council, Natorei Karta, Students for Justice in Palestine and the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation as the top ten anti-Israel groups.

Each of the selected groups, according to the ADL, is “fixated with delegitimizing Israel” and has demonstrated the ability to reach new segments of the American public with a hostile and misleading narrative about Israel.

[...] Natorei Karta, the ultra-Orthodox anti-Zionist group was new to this year's list.

A fringe ultra-Orthodox sect established in Jerusalem in 1938, Natorei Karta (Aramaic for “Guardians of the City”) believes Israel can be reestablished only after the coming of the Messiah. The group therefore rejects Zionism and opposes the existence of the state.

Members of the sect in Israel and the US are known to burn the Israeli flag and have sent representatives to attend conferences in Iran in the past.
Their vile beliefs are just what prevent the Messiah from coming. And when the Messiah does come, he'll have what to say and do about those awful fiends. Glad they thought to add them to their list of dangerous movements, because they are some of the most repellent freaks in the anti-Israel crowd.

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