Thursday, September 12, 2013


The American-born jihadist was executed by other jihadists in Somalia:
A rapping jihadi from Alabama who became one of Somalia's top al-Qaida-linked rebels was killed Thursday in an ambush ordered by the rebels' leader, the extremists said.

Omar Hammami, a native of Daphne, Alabama, who was known as Abu Mansoor Al-Amriki, or "the American," died in southern Somalia following several months on the run after a falling-out with al-Shabab's top leader, the rebels said.

Reports of Hammami's death have cropped up every few months in Somalia, only for him to resurface a short while later. But a United States terrorism expert who closely follows the inner workings of the al-Shabab rebels says he thinks that the current reports of the death are accurate.

"I think it's very likely true based on the sources I am seeing," said J.M. Berger, who runs the website [...]

Along with Adam Gadahn in Pakistan - a former Osama bin Laden spokesman - the 29-year-old Hammami is one of the two most notorious Americans in jihad groups. He grew up in Daphne, a community of 20,000 outside Mobile, the son of a Christian mother and a Syrian-born Muslim father.
So in the end, it made little difference how much he was on their side - al-Shabab marked him for death.

Then again, what if this is still false information, and he's still very much alive? Well, let's hope this is correct and another traitor has tasted his own poison.

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