Wednesday, September 04, 2013


The murdering jihadist at Fort Hood gets his filthy beard cut in prison:
The army psychiatrist sentenced to death for the Fort Hood shooting rampage has been forcibly shaved, an army spokesman has said. [...]

Hasan, 42, who was born in America, is an inmate of the US detention barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, home to the military death row. Lieutenant Colonel S Justin Platt, an army spokesman, said in a statement on Tuesday that Hasan had been shaved. He did not specify when or provide details.

Officials at Fort Leavenworth previously had said Hasan would be subject to army regulations.
I expect him to proceed with sob stories of how they won't let him grow a beard, though it would make him look like what he is: a creepy monster. In the end, I'd say it helps to send him a message of the serious punishment with no privileges he should be subject to in prison on death row.

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