Saturday, September 21, 2013


A tragedy has taken place involving a Muslim illegally employed in Bat Yam:
An Israel Defense Forces soldier, Sergeant Tomer Hazan of Bat Yam, 20, was abducted Friday and murdered in Samaria by an Arab terrorist.

The victim's family has been notified.

The motive for the murder was the terrorist's plan to trade the body of his victim for the freedom of his brother, a Fatah terrorist who has been in jail in Israel for the last ten years.

The soldier's family reported Friday that he went missing and failed to make contact since the morning hours. The Shin Bet, together with the IDF and the police, began a strenuous investigation, and came up with intelligence information indicating that the soldier had taken a cab together with an Arab man who worked with him in a restaurant in Bat Yam, south of Tel Aviv.

The Arab is named Nadal Amar, and he is a resident of the village of Bayt Amin, near Kalkilya. The two had taken the taxi toward Shaarei Tikva, which is close to that village.

Early morning Saturday, IDF forces, together with Yamam special police and Shin Bet, raided the home of Amar's family and arrested him, together with another brother. Nadal Amar confessed under interrogation that he persuaded the soldier to come to his village. He then murdered him in an open field and hid his body in a water hole.
The murder has triggered justified outrage against the restaurant that employed him:
Usually crowded on Saturday nights, “Tzachi Meats” in Bat Yam remained shuttered after Shabbat ended, and if the angry crowd outside had their way, it would stay that way for good.

Hours after it was reported that Bat Yam local Sgt. Tomer Hazan, 20, was murdered after being lured to the West Bank by a Palestinian man who he worked with at the restaurant, a crowd of a couple hundred people had gathered outside of the restaurant calling for a permanent boycott of the neighborhood institution.

“Police knew that he employed shabahim [Palestinians illegally in Israel], why didn't they check, why didn't they do something? All of our children were in danger here”, said Elinor, a mother of four boys who said she used to eat at the restaurant on a regular basis.

“It's irresponsible for him to hire shabahim at a place right here in the middle of the city. He abandoned all of us just to save a few extra shekels,” said Ravit, a mother of four standing outside the restaurant on Saturday night.

“We're all hurting with the family, but with the pain is anger. He [the murderer] could have also just set a bomb and blown up the building, killed all of us inside,” Ravit said, adding that she will never eat at the restaurant again.
And I don't want to eat there either. I don't buy the defense the owner blurted out that he didn't know he didn't have legality for the employment. Anyone who would rely on cheap labor in a case like this does not deserve to make capital on the public's dime and deserves to end up homeless for the fiasco they caused.

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