Friday, August 23, 2013


An al-Qaeda cell operating in Lebanon fired rockets at Israel:
Four rockets were fired on Israel Thursday, the army said, adding that two hit civilian areas causing no casualties while Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed retaliation.

Lebanese security sources said unknown gunmen fired the rockets from the southern port of Tyre into northern Israel while an Al-Qaeda-linked group claimed responsibility for the attack.

"A barrage of four rockets was fired at the civilian communities of northern Israel," the army said in a statement.

The army said its Iron Dome missile defence system "successfully intercepted" one of the rockets between the coastal towns of Acre and Nahariya.

"Two other rockets landed in populated areas causing damage, but no injuries," the statement added, while the fourth may have fallen into the sea or elsewhere.

A security source in Lebanon said four rockets were fired at Israel from locations "south and east of Tyre," in southern Lebanon and residents in the area said they heard four blasts.
The IAF shot back, and here's the disturbing part:
The Israeli military and a Palestinian official say the Jewish state's air force struck a target south of Beirut.

Friday's air raid came a day after militants fired four rockets from Lebanon into Israel. Three hit Israel and the fourth was intercepted.

No one was injured by the rockets, and the Israeli military dismissed the attack as an "isolated incident."
Just what's that supposed to mean? This actually strikes me as offensive, because it could happen again, and it's most definitely a serious case whenever a terrorist gang fires rockets at people. I think the army owes an apology.

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