Friday, August 30, 2013


The Brisbane Times tells of a politician who's said that Muslims are trying to convert Aborigines to the Religion of Peace:
A federal election candidate in western Queensland has accused Muslims of paying Aborigines to convert to Islam.

Speaking to ABC Western Queensland, Rise Up Australia candidate Pam Hecht said the biggest issue facing people in the electorate of Kennedy, which Bob Katter holds by 18.3 per cent, was the conversion of Indigenous people to Islam.

''I don't know whether people are aware, but many of the Aboriginal people in northern Australia are being targeted by Muslims and in some cases are being paid to convert to Islam,'' she said, describing herself and the electorate as ''farmers . . . just ordinary everyday people'', who ''want to be free to go about our business''.

''Our concern with that is, the Muslim belief, that converting the first peoples of the land to Islam means that the land belongs to Allah, and Islam should be the only religion.

''There is an Aboriginal lady who works with the people up in northern Australia and she has spoken directly with the leader of our party, Daniel Nalliah [and told him about the practice].''
Enticing natives to convert to such a perverse religion and turn them into monsters is offensive in the extreme, ditto the bribery. I hope Mrs. Hecht and company will do all they can to counter the propaganda and speak to the Aboriginal community about this, and why they too need to protect their children from indoctrination.

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