Tuesday, August 06, 2013


A liberal friend of mine said the problem with American politics is that there are too many people here who believe in Noah.


It's chic to be critical of Judeo-Christian values.

He'd never say that India is incapable of self-governance because it's comprised of Hindus & muslims; (India is the country with the most muslims on earth).

And he ridicules Noah, but LOVES Al Gore - a man who imagines he is a modern day Noah saving the earth from global climate catastrophe.

Isn't Al Gore merely a modern Noah?

NOPE. Al Gore is a modern Chicken Little crying that the sky is falling.

And my liberal friend's belief in Al Gore isn't much different than the belief in Noah that the conservatives he disdains have.

BTW: you will never hear a liberal be critical of Gilgamesh. Or the Mahabharata. NO. They are postmodernists who have been brainwashed to hate the West. And love foreign cultures.

Postmodernists have been brainwashed to believe that the West is guilty of massive centuries old sexual repression, creating a global climate catastrophe, most of history's genocide, and Third World poverty.


I don't know if Noah happened the exact way the story says; after all, there is much figurative language in the Bible and a lot of morality fables.

I do know that the lessons it teaches and the values it imparts have lifted humanity out of pagan, heathen, uncivilized mayhem and helped create societies based on equality before Eternal law and mutually agreed to civil arrangements.

The Torah is the basis of all this - the idea that G-d alone rules and the we here below must govern ourselves based on His laws and based on restraining our evil inclination and restrianing those who would violate His Ten Commandments.

Those Ten Commandments have been a blessing for ALL humans - regardless of what or how you believe - more so than either Das Kapital or the Democrat Party Platform or Krugman or Gore or Billary or Obama or the editorial pages of the NYTIMES.

When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?

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