Saturday, August 03, 2013


RT reports about a Belgian convert who went to wage jihad in Syria:
Accounts of Belgian youths joining the rebel forces in Syria have raised questions about the radicalization process in the country. RT has interviewed one father who driven by love placed his life at risk to find his son.

Dimitri Bontinck is on a crusade to find his son Jejoen and return with him to Belgium, after the teenager fled to fight with the jihadists against government forces. The last time the father saw his son was in March when Jejoen informed him that he was going to study in Egypt.

Bontinck claims that his son underwent an Islamic radicalization process which took approximately two years. Prior to Jejoen’s conversion to Islam, his father said he was raised Catholic. Jejoen lived with his Belgian father and Nigerian mother in Antwerp, Belgium's second largest city.
It's bad enough that there's creepies already raised under Islam doing this. Now, we've even got converts brainwashed for this kind of warfare. Parents have to do much more to protect their children and warn them against indoctrination.

1 comment:

  1. It is astounding how many Westerners are converting to Islam.
