Sunday, August 18, 2013


He probably didn't want any supper either:
An Afghanistan man on an honor-killing crusade fatally shot his wife this week when she went to the market without first obtaining his permission, a police spokesman said.

The incident took place in the northern region of Afghanistan, in the province of Kunduz, the Global Post reported. The man, identified in the report only as Khodaidad, fled after the shooting, police spokesman Sarwar Hussaini said.

[...] In May, members of the Afghan Parliament turned away a law that would have clamped down on crimes against women in the nation, which is ruled in spots by harsh Taliban laws that treat women as second-class citizens, often allowing their male abusers to go unpunished.
If they're already ruled by Islam, there's almost no chance such a law would pass, since their belief system is against rights for women.

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