Saturday, August 31, 2013


From Right Truth, citing Politically Incorrect Fables for a Cranky Country:
The Little Red Hen Takes on the Confused, the Clown, and the Crybaby

by Molli Nickel

Once upon a time the Little Red Hen lived on Old MacDonald's farm in a country of industrious and self-sufficient citizens.



Little Red and her countrymen and women elected representatives who double pinky promised to support their best interests and protect the future of their country.


Little Red trusted the candidates she elected, and didn't really pay much attention to their on-the-job performances as she "cluck, clucked" here, "cluck, clucked" there while attending to her chicks.


How blessed Little Red felt to live in a country of such abundance, liberty, and jobs, and with the best healthcare in the world (not only for citizens, but also for illegal immigrants who received free health care, free education, and ballots printed in their native language).


But then, one day, the wily president of the country began to host behind-closed-door secret meetings and arm twist left-wing Senators to support a national healthcare program named after his arrogant self (although it really and truly should have been called the Get-Rid-of-Granny-Death-Panel Act).

Read the rest of the fable HERE.

Clever and accurate!

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