Thursday, July 18, 2013


The magazine that I thought was dedicated to music has outraged Boston with its cover devoted to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (via Jihad Watch):
Mayor Thomas M. Menino today wrote to the publisher of Rolling Stone, telling him the decision to put accused Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover of next month’s edition “rewards a terrorist with celebrity treatment” — treatment the magazine should have given to the survivors.

“The survivors of the Boston attacks deserve Rolling Stone cover stories,”
Menino wrote in a letter to Jann Wenner, ”though I no longer feel that Rolling Stone deserves them.”

Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis said today: "I'm disgusted by it. They should have given the victims more consideration."

Suffolk District Attorney Daniel Conley added: “I don’t plan on reading the article and I certainly don’t plan on buying the magazine. They have a right to publish as they see fit, and Boston’s businesses have a right not to sell this issue.”

The mayor’s message came as Stop & Shop, CVS, Tedeschi Food Shops and Cumberland Farms all announced they are boycotting Rolling Stone over next month’s cover.

“CVS/pharmacy has decided not to sell the current issue of Rolling Stone featuring a cover photo of the Boston Marathon bombing suspect,” CVS wrote on its Facebook page. “As a company with deep roots in New England and a strong presence in Boston, we believe this is the right decision out of respect for the victims of the attack and their loved ones.”

On its own Facebook page, Tedeschi’s wrote: “Tedeschi Food Shops supports the need to share the news with everyone, but cannot support actions that serve to glorify the evil actions of anyone. With that being said, we will not be carrying this issue of Rolling Stone. Music and terrorism don’t mix!”

As the Herald reported in today’s paper, Rolling Stone — which features a doe-eyed Tsarnaev in sepia tones— is promising a “riveting and heartbreaking account of how a charming kid with a bright future became a monster” in contributing editor Janet Reitman’s article. Tsarnaev, with his brother, is accused in the bombings that killed three people at the Boston Marathon finish line April 15, and the April 18 murder of MIT Police Officer Sean Collier, plus wounding 260 race day.
I haven't read Rolling Stone in years and have no interest in reading them ever again after this atrocity. They were supposed to be chiefly about music and other showbiz subjects; that's what I read them for years ago. They've made a grave mistake turning to politics, and how: they've scraped the pits by glorifying evil while turning their backs on the victims of the repugnant crime. That seems to be what the MSM is all about these days. Absolutely repulsive.

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