Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Yes, Phillipe Karsenty has filed an appeal against the conviction the last court gave him:
JTA — Philippe Karsenty, a French Jewish politician, has appealed to France’s supreme court to overturn his conviction of defamation for accusing a television channel of doctoring a video allegedly showing the death of a Palestinian boy.

Karsenty, deputy mayor of Neuilly-sur-Seine near Paris, was convicted of defamation in 2006 for saying France 2 and its reporter Charles Enderlin had doctored the 2000 video showing the alleged death of Mohammed al-Dura, a 12-year-old boy.

The video became a symbol of the second intifada, and the Israeli government claims that it spawned terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians and Jews elsewhere.

In 2008, a French court overturned Karsenty’s conviction after reviewing the full footage, but last month France 2 successfully appealed the case. Karsenty was fined $14,000 in the latest ruling.

Karsenty has said he would not pursue the case further but changed his mind “because of procedural and ethical issues” that he says led to a “miscarriage of justice” in his latest trial. He declined to elaborate, citing legal issues.
When the Israeli panel investigating the propaganda provided their findings, do you know what happened?
France 2’s attorneys threatened to sue the latest panel, set up by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The channel’s lawyers said they did not receive the opportunity to present their version of events.

The legal advisor of the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office this month replied to France 2’s threat by listing six requests by Israeli officials for input on the al-Dura case from France 2, which is a state-owned channel. Some of the requests were made to France’s outgoing ambassador to Israel, Christophe Bigot.
They did get the chance, and to deny that is to lie to everyone involved. This is just another attempt to avoid responsibility via atrociously written legal issues.

Here's more on the case from CBN. And Dreuz.Info is asking if Karsenty is a new Alfred Dreyfus. He is.

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