Saturday, July 20, 2013


At the OSCE conference in Vienna, this was the leading query, and the simple but sad answer is "yes":
In an alarming development, British police and other authorities are increasingly involved in what appears like enforcing parts of Islamic Sharia law in Britain. While for good reasons this is not an officially declared policy, practices on the ground show that critics of Islam and mass immigration seem comprehensively targeted by unfair and discriminatory practices. Some examples:

On June 29th this year, Kevin Carroll was assaulted on the street in London, and subsequently arrested along with Tommy Robinson on charges of “obstructing police work”, despite video evidence that they had done no such thing. The basis for their arrest was probably that they sought to walk into the London borough of Tower Hamlets, which is considered a Muslim area, which might have led to unrest.

The Annotated Agenda notes:

“the lack of the rule of law, by elevating the risk of arbitrary action and impunity for human rights violations, create creates a climate of distrust and instability…”

The arrest by two British subjects walking the streets of London into a Muslim-controlled borough must be seen for what it is: an arbitrary arrest, eroding public trust in what used to be the highest regarded police force anywhere. [...]

The British police, which used to be highly respected inside and outside Britain for exemplary policing, is now being mocked on Facebook for enforcing Sharia in Great Britain. The methods employed against those who criticise Islam and mass immigration, in particular letting police tell citizens what they may or may not do — right down to threatening arrest for repeating certain Twitter messages — are showing that Britain is, ever so slowly, sliding towards becoming a police state.
Alas, that's just what they've become already. But were they ever as excellent as their reputation is said to be? I dispute that based on their not carrying guns, something that may have been the case a couple decades ago and is still likely the case now. They may not have had high crime rates years before. But that still doesn't mean they shouldn't have carried firearms to protect themselves and other innocents when it helps, and if they still aren't, that only compounds the fiasco Britain's crime scene is like today.


  1. Avi, Why do you say this subject "was the leading query?"

    Is there evidence of that that can be presented?

    Are you saying this subject was given a tremendous amount of time at the OCSE Conference?

  2. Okay, maybe I didn't fully understand it myself, but I thought that was the main subject of the conference, so I wrote that this was a question being asked there. Sorry if I confused anything.

  3. No problem. I was just wondering if that had been stated by anyone of import. If so, THAT WOULD BE HUGE HUGE NEWS.
